[hobbit] possible alerting bug in RC2?

Bruce Lysik blysik at shutterfly.com
Wed Feb 16 03:48:43 CET 2005

> You can also just post the relavant portion of the following test's
> output to get a better diagnose
> ./bin/bbcmd hobbitd_alert --dump-config 

Sure.  It's very simple, really:

HOST=<snip list of about 100 hosts>
	SCRIPT /opt/bb/server/ext/email bruce_mail FORMAT=SCRIPT REPEAT=30 DURATION>6 RECOVERED

But the main issue is, I was under the impression a yellow alert would never trigger anything, because of how I've defined --alertcolors.

I've just received another yellow alert.  So something is up.

Bruce Z. Lysik  <blysik at shutterfly.com>
Operations Engineer 

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