Few processes after startup

Rolf Schrittenlocher Schrittenlocher at rz.uni-frankfurt.de
Wed Dec 21 11:26:08 CET 2005


Finally we want migrate from BB to Hobbit. I build hobbit_4.1.1 on 
Solaris 9 and started it. Only a part of the processes that should run 
are actually running. What is missing? Any help appreciated!
kind regards

hobbits processes: psx
      bb 12146 12145  0 11:14:09 ?        0:00 hobbitd 
--pidfile=/raid0/log/hobbit/hobbitd.pid --restart=/pica/ffm/com/sys/hob
      bb 12154 12152  0 11:14:14 ?        0:00 hobbitd_history
      bb 12152 12145  0 11:14:14 ?        0:00 hobbitd_channel 
--channel=stachg --log=/raid0/log/hobbit/history.log hobbitd_hi
      bb 12363     1  0 11:19:16 ?        0:00 sh -c vmstat 300 2 
      bb 12018 11571  0 11:13:44 pts/1    0:00 -bash
      bb 12364 12363  0 11:19:16 ?        0:00 vmstat 300 2
      bb 12145     1  0 11:14:09 ?        0:00 

This is what hobbitlaunch.log says (There are no other logs):
2005-12-21 11:14:09 hobbitlaunch starting
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Loading tasklist configuration from 
/pica/ffm/com/sys/hobbit/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitlaunch.        cfg
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Loading hostnames
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Loading saved state
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Setting up network listener on
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Setting up signal handlers
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Setting up hobbitd channels
2005-12-21 11:14:09 Setting up logfiles
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task bbnet terminated by signal 9
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task bbcombotest terminated by signal 9
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task bbdisplay terminated by signal 9
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task clientdata terminated, status 1
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task rrddata terminated, status 1
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task rrdstatus terminated, status 1
2005-12-21 11:14:19 Task bbpage terminated, status 1

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Rolf Schrittenlocher

HRZ/BDV, Senckenberganlage 31, 60054 Frankfurt 
Tel: (49) 69 - 798 28908   Fax: (49) 69 798 2881
LBS: lbs-f at mlist.uni-frankfurt.de
Persoenlich: schritte at rz.uni-frankfurt.de

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