[hobbit] Big Bro TO Hobbit

PAUL WILLIAMSON pwilliamson at mandtbank.com
Mon Dec 19 15:34:40 CET 2005

1.  Don't do it.
2.  If you must, first verify all RRDTool functionality is present.  I
the same procedure about a year ago and I could not get RRDTool 
1.x working on AIX because of some oddball problem with the shared 
objects and the perl module.  
3.  Finally, to answer your question, yes, you need to dump the RRDTool

databases to XML (use rrddump) and copy the resulting files over to 
your AIX box then use rrdrestore to get them into the format for AIX.


>>> JMSmith at stvincenthealth.com 12/19/05 9:27 AM >>>
I'm upgrading from Big Brother to Hobbit after over 3 years on the old
beast.  The problem I'm having is moving the 'rrd' files from Solaris
AIX.  It isn't just the naming convention...the file structure itself
apparently different.  Has anyone done this or do I have to over-heat
brain trying to figure it out myself?  <grin>
This is probably a question for the the 'rrdtool' folks, but since
people have upgrade from BB to Hobbit I thought this might be a good
place to start.
Jim Smith
Unix Systems Administrator
St. Vincent Health Systems
Little Rock, AR


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