[hobbit] Client interval question

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon Dec 12 22:56:36 CET 2005

On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 01:12:20PM -0600, Jeff Newman wrote:
> I wanted to move from a 5 minute interval on all my clients to a 1 minute
> interval.
> I went to my first AIX host to test, and changed
> /usr/local/hobbit/client/etc/clientlaunch.cfg
> and changed the interval to 1m (I assume this is correct)


> Well, sure enough, hobbit launches stuff every minute, but the problem is
> that I see "vmstat 300 2" running a ton. So looking at 
> /usr/local/hobbit/client/bin/hobbitclient-aix.sh, I see that hardcoded into 
> the script is "vmstat 300 2" So do I need to update that to reflect 1 minute 
> as well (i.e. vmstat 60 2)?
> Or is this by design? Are there others that might need to change that I
> don't know about? Is the way I am going about this wrong?

That's an interesting question :-)

The graph DB's that vmstat feeds data into (the RRD files) are
constructed in such a way that a 5-minute interval is what makes
sense. So running them with anything else really just a waste of

(I do have a patch here from a user that would allow you to configure
the RRD files for different data-collection frequencies, but that has
not been merged yet - primarily due to me being overloaded).

So no - you shouldn't change that vmstat command. But it is bad design
on my part to assume that the client polling period would always be 
5 minutes - it's perfectly valid to run the client checks differently.

I'll think about what's the most sensible solution. It probably would be
to only start the vmstat command if one isn't running; that does assume 
that you will run the client scripts *at least once* every 5 minutes.


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