Fwd: Re: [hobbit] 4.0.3rc1 available

lars ebeling dhd733 at yahoo.se
Tue Apr 26 06:55:02 CEST 2005

David Gore <David.Gore at mci.com> wrote:

Replaced maint.pl in menu_items.js with hobbit-enadis.sh.

IE: blank page
Firefox: function isInternetExplorer() { if 
(window.navigator.appName.indexOf("Internet Explorer") != -1) return 
true; else return false; } function validateDisable(theform) { if 
(theform.hostname.value == null || theform.hostname.value == "") { 
alert("You must select the Host(s) to disable!"); 
theform.hostname.focus(); return false; } // Next validation works on 
Mozilla, but does not work on MSIE browser if (! isInternetExplorer()) { 
if (theform.disabletest.value

Putting maint.pl back in which works.

Here it seems like hobbit-enadis.sh works with both MSIE and Firefox.



 "Never run after your own hat.  Others will be delighted to do it; why spoil their fun?"
-- Mark Twain

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