[Xymon] ubuntu client tests data apt and libs

Dito dito74 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 01:13:53 CET 2024

Hello everyone, I am looking for answers for these tests that I am not sure
how to resume.

I had an Ubuntu server running xymon and also running the client to report
to itself, probably an old version of Ubuntu, I want to say 18.xx and
probably the last 32 bit around.
I've finally upgraded to a better hardware, I now have the latest Ubuntu
22, I've migrated all my configs, xymon client and server, and other
services like nginx, that I was running on there.
Same hostname, same IP, so nothing was changed beside the OS,

All good so far, but I have a non issue request, just a curiosity at this
point that I cannot find an answer to.

It's about tests that were there before and now they are no longer there,
so they are purple on the display page. The older server was reporting 2
tests that I presumed came from the xymon client "apt" and "libs".
Those tests are no longer reporting, Where did they come from? And can I
resume them on the new server?

Thank you all in advance.

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