[Xymon] 4.3.18 install issues. /home/xymon permissions, missing FollowSymLinks

Andrew Rakowski landrew at pnnl.gov
Fri Feb 20 18:26:22 CET 2015

FYI, I installed xymon-4.3.18 from scratch last week, and ran into a 
couple of problems.  The system I installed on is running RedHat 
Enterprise Linux v5.11, and I used almost all default answers in the 
Configure setup (changed location of man pages to /usr/local/share/man 
from /usr/local/man, if I recall.)

First was that I installed xymon into its own home directory 
(/home/xymon), and I needed to change directory permissions so the web 
server (running as login 'apache') could see any of the xymon directory. 
By default, home directories are set to mode 700 (user only.)

I added group read and execute permissions and added user 'apache' to the 
'xymon' group, although I'm not sure if this exposes more than should be 
exposed.  I also added user 'xymon' to the 'apache' group when I created 
the login.

Secondly, I needed to add "FollowSymLinks" to the cgi options sections in 
the apache config file for xymon before any of the scripts would work. 
Once that was in place, and Apache restarted, we seemed to have a working 
xymon install.

I'm assuming when doing a "./configure --server" I'm also configuring the 
client (as it's now running on the server.)  Can I just grab a tarball of 
the /home/xymon/client directory and use it for client installations on 
the same architecture systems, or do I need to run a separate configure 
and build for "--client"?


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