function of Class-names

Martin Flemming martin.flemming at
Sat Sep 18 12:01:05 CEST 2010

Hi !

Is it right, that the Class-names function
only works for log-file-monitoring and nothing else ?

Force the host to belong to a specific class. Class-names are used 
when configuring log-file monitoring (they can be used as references in 
client-local.cfg(5) and hobbit-clients.cfg(5) to group logfile checks). 
Normally, class-names are controlled on the client by starting the Xymon 
client with the "--class=Classname" option. If you specify it in the 
bb-hosts file on the Xymon server, it overrides any classname that the 
client reports.

And if that's true,
is it possible to tag machines with something similiar in the bb-hosts,
for classification in special groups to monitor ?

tags for hardware-type, farm-node, working-server ....

I've got a lot of farm-nodes and Workgroupserver,
but each group ( linux and solaris, also OS indepented ) 
have to monitor different .. and a lot of machines are placed in various page and subpages ....

.. i don't want to write each page/subpage in hobbit-clients.cfg/ 
client-local.cfg/hobbit-alert.cfg, that is  much work and would be 
confusing some times ..

thanks & cheers


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