[xymon] filesystems that are ignored still showing up in metrics report

Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter at gmx.co.uk
Wed Sep 1 12:00:10 CEST 2010

> I have some filesystems on client machines that are in the ignore list,
> and
> other filesystems that have been temporarily mounted, but as soon as the
> client has picked them up sent the data to the server, the filesystems
> keep
> showing up in metrics report.
> I don't want, for instance, /mnt there as it is only mounted occasionally,
> and has been put on the ignore list after I noticed it in the graphs, and
> hasn't been part of the graphs for a long time after that.
> However when I draw a metrics report, even for current day, the filesystem
> shows up in the report, and the data is [nan]
> How do I remove a single filesystem from the history on the server?
> I have searched, and the only info I get is to how to remove the [disk]
> check, but not individual filesystems.
> /home/hobbit/server/bin/bb localhost "drop clientname disk /mnt"
> removes the entire disk check.
> Any ideas?

Try removing the RRD file: ~xymon/data/rrd/clientname/disk,mnt.rrd

Note: I also get nan if the report includes a new volume that didn't exist for the full time period of the report.



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