SV: [xymon] How to suppress alerts when combo-testing?

Carl Melgaard Carl.Melgaard at STAB.RM.DK
Thu Dec 9 09:43:22 CET 2010

> Xymon has a problem with clusters. It should be possible to tell Xymon
> that "these nodes are in a cluster, so don't alert me unless at
> least N of them are down at the same time". Right now, it isn't.
> So if you want to eliminate the red status on the individual nodes
> in the cluster, you cannot do that.

Can I put up a feature request for this? Or have NOCOLUMNS suppress the behind-the-scenes red-alerts for acknowledge too?

> If it's only the alerts you want to stop, then you can configure 
> no alerts to be sent for the individual nodes - only send alerts
> for the cluster status (bskidmsrv001.ldap or .ldaps).

Yeah, that what I do now - but with a lot of clustered services, the acknowledge-page is my biggest worry.


Carl Melgaard

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