[hobbit] Monitoring Exchange

Christoph Berg cb at df7cb.de
Thu Oct 15 12:12:42 CEST 2009

Re: Jacobs, Eric 2009-10-14 <E4674276443CFB4BBDE56855AF2E4A46045324A4 at tciexch2.tci.loc>
> Apparently, last night our Exchange server stopped receiving email until
> it was rebooted this morning. Everyone is up in arms. Hobbit showed
> nothing unusual. Does anyone have any way to monitor Exchange? 

We've got some cronjob that sends mail to an Exchange account every 5
minutes and a simple perl script using Net::IMAP checking if the last
mail received is not older than some timeout. (Using Hobbit.pm from
the Debian package.)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL;
use Date::Parse;
use Hobbit;

my $bb = new Hobbit ({ hostname => 'smtp.xx.com', test => 'mailping'});

sub check_imap ($$$)
        my ($servername, $username, $password) = @_;
        my $server = new Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL ($servername);

        unless ($server->login ($username, $password)) {
                $bb->color_line ('red', "IMAP error: $servername: ". $server->errstr . "\n");

        my $now = time ();
        my $max = 0;
        my $number_of_messages = $server->select ('INBOX');

        foreach my $msg ( 1..$number_of_messages ) {
                my $lines = join '', @{$server->get ($msg)};
                next unless $lines =~ /^Subject: ping (.*)/m;
                my $time = str2time ($1);
                $max = $time if $time > $max;
                if ($time < $now - 7200) {
                        $server-> delete ($msg);


        my $color;
        if ($max > $now - 400) {
                $color = 'green';
        } elsif ($max > $now - 700) {
                $color = 'yellow';
        } else {
                $color = 'red';

        $bb->color_line ($color, "Last ping mail at $servername was received at ".scalar (localtime ($max)) ."\n");

check_imap ('imap.xx.com', 'hobbit', 'passwd');


cb at df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/
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