extra-script not executed while sending data from client to RRD

Ezio Ostorero ezio.ostorero at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 16:32:14 CET 2009

Hi all,

Before posting I carefully read the all the docs I could find on the matter,
FAQs, HOWTOs, and the following strings:





So, I was able to slowly and painfully crawl along and write a couple of
"hello world" scripts.

My server "ps" looks like this:

ezio# ps -ef | grep hobbitd_rrd | grep -v grep | grep -v hobbitd_channel
hobbit    7929  7928  0 16:08 ?        00:00:00 hobbitd_rrd
hobbit    7954  7953  0 16:08 ?        00:00:00 hobbitd_rrd
--extra-script=/usr/lib/hobbit/server/ext/rrd_mon.sh --extra-tests=iostat

Notice the "=" sign is there between --extra-script and the actual script
name (see http://www.hswn.dk/hobbiton/2008/09/msg00357.html)

My extra script is so trivial I'm ashamed to post it, but it's good to check
if it is going to be executed at all:


date >> $TMPLOG
echo "$1, $2, $3" >> $TMPLOG
cp $3 >> $TMPLOG 2>&1
exit 0

OK, nothing is created in /tmp, so, I'm assuming hobbit_rrd is NOT executing
my extra script.
Turning on the "--debug" option did not help much

What am I missing? Should I put all the fancy  RRD-formatted-colon-separated
"echoes" in my extra-script? (I wouldn't say so)


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