RRD graphs appearing in trends but not in Devmon columns?

Richard Finegold goldfndr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 09:12:15 CET 2009

I'm happily getting graphs for if_load and temp for Cisco routers, but
the graphs are only appearing in the trends column. RRD graphs are
appearing in Devmon-checked memory and cpu columns, but presumably
that's due to them using standard text instead of specific Devmon

I'm using "if_load=devmon,temp=devmon" in TEST2RRD in
hobbitserver.cfg, as documented in Devmon's docs/GRAPHING, should that
be working? Also "if_load::1,temp" in GRAPHS. I'm not sure, because
the man page for hobbitserver.cfg suggests a "bb-hostsvc.cgi(1)" man
page, which doesn't seem to exist.
Ah, it's been partially renamed to hobbitsvc.cgi(1). That man page
only seems to address "TEST2RRD=test,test", not the optional
=RRDSERVICE syntax in hobbitserver.cfg(5).

devmon-0.3.1-beta1, xymon-4.2.3-RC1. I haven't applied patches,
because I thought they were both already patched for each other.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple (perhaps a TEST2RRD parsing patch).

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