[hobbit] Hobbit main view stopped updating

Smith, Jim JMSmith at stvincenthealth.com
Fri Apr 27 21:21:21 CEST 2007

The client on the offending server is running, I trust.




From: Thompson, Brian [mailto:Brian.Thompson at detroitdiesel.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:19 PM
To: hobbit at hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Hobbit main view stopped updating


Hi all, 

We had a meltdown today with our server that hobbit is monitoring, and
once we finally bounced the processes that had shown up as purple (after
ensuring they wouldn't bomb out again) hobbit completely froze up.  It
still refreshes, but it's time is showing the exact time that we bounced
the erroneous process.  All of the status pages give a "Status not
available" page.

I've tried rebooting the hobbit server, although I have yet to try
rebooting the entire server that's still showing up as offending.  Is
there some way to reset this?


Brian Thompson 

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