Display indivisual CPU usage in trending on Solaris ?

T.J. Yang tj_yang at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 7 20:59:14 CEST 2006

Looks like mpstat need to injected somewhere in this script 
in order to get usage of each cpu on soalris.
# vmstat and iostat (iostat -d provides a cpu utilisation with I/O wait 
nohup sh -c "vmstat 300 2 1>$BBTMP/hobbit_vmstat.$MACHINEDOTS.$$ 2>&1; mv 
$BBTMP/hobbit_vmstat.$MACHINEDOTS.$$ $BBTMP/hobbit_vmstat.
$MACHINEDOTS" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup sh -c "iostat -c 300 2 1>$BBTMP/hobbit_iostatcpu.$MACHINEDOTS.$$ 2>&1; 
mv $BBTMP/hobbit_iostatcpu.$MACHINEDOTS.$$ $BBTMP/hobbi
t_iostatcpu.$MACHINEDOTS" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup sh -c "iostat -dxsrP 300 2 1>$BBTMP/hobbit_iostatdisk.$MACHINEDOTS.$$ 
2>&1; mv $BBTMP/hobbit_iostatdisk.$MACHINEDOTS.$$ $BBTMP
/hobbit_iostatdisk.$MACHINEDOTS" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 5
if test -f $BBTMP/hobbit_vmstat.$MACHINEDOTS; then echo "[vmstat]"; cat 
$BBTMP/hobbit_vmstat.$MACHINEDOTS; rm -f $BBTMP/hobbit_vmsta
if test -f $BBTMP/hobbit_iostatcpu.$MACHINEDOTS; then echo "[iostatcpu]"; 
cat $BBTMP/hobbit_iostatcpu.$MACHINEDOTS; rm -f $BBTMP/hob
bit_iostatcpu.$MACHINEDOTS; fi
if test -f $BBTMP/hobbit_iostatdisk.$MACHINEDOTS; then echo "[iostatdisk]"; 
cat $BBTMP/hobbit_iostatdisk.$MACHINEDOTS; rm -f $BBTMP/
hobbit_iostatdisk.$MACHINEDOTS; fi

But does hobbit server side need to be adjusted as well ?

Looks like a DIY type of task that I can do myself. but I think we should 
have this formally suppoted
by hobbit client. Besides I am lazy ,  so another request to Henrik.

T.J. Yang

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