rrd data and graphing

James Wade jkwade at futurefrontiers.com
Thu Dec 14 16:20:43 CET 2006

Hello All,


Can someone give me some pointers on

developing my own rrd scripts and graphing.


I've read Hobbit Help pages, looks fairly

straight forward. I can write the script, but

what output should the data be in?


I'm going to write a couple scripts, can

someone give me how the data should look,

and perhaps how the hobbitgraph.cfg should look?


A) I'm going to write a script to track iostat disk
busy and wait states for both nfs and disks, and

graph them. 


iostat -xn

                    extended device statistics

    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device

    4.3    2.9  138.3   33.6  0.0  0.1    1.1   19.8   0   2 c1t0d0

    4.0    2.9  139.8   33.4  0.0  0.1    1.1   21.1   0   2 c1t1d0

    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    0.8   0   0 c0t0d0

    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0   20.3   0   0

    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0    6.6   0   0

    0.0    0.2    0.4    0.6  0.0  0.0    0.0    3.0   0   0


So, for each system, I'd like to graph %w &%b, and I may setup alerts
for %w. 


How should I sent the data to rrd, the script output format?


B) I'd also like to use the mpstat command. I want to plot the usr,sy,wt,idl

of all processors and graph all processors on a single graph.


CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl

  0  132   2  195    57   41  509   17   64   16    0  1260    2   2   1  95

  1  172   2  310   378  266  516   16   64   18    0  1619    2   2   1  96


I can write the Hobbit/BB scripts, if someone can recommend the output

format and the hobbitgraph.cfg suggestion, it would be helpful.


If anyone wants a copy of the script(s) afterward, I'm more than happy to







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