[hobbit] Newbie question

PAUL WILLIAMSON pwilliamson at mandtbank.com
Tue Sep 27 22:54:32 CEST 2005

Normally a Hobbit client, but I'm not sure what the status 
of that is.  The Big Brother clients (windows included) 
can send their data to a Hobbit server (for now).

Nice weather we're having in Buffalo these days, eh?


>>> patrick_healy at nywd.uscourts.gov 09/27/05 4:46 PM >>>
I hate to ask what appears to be such a 'newbie' question, but I'm 

I've installed hobbit on one of about a dozen servers.  I've configured

bb-hosts correctly and can see some basic status information about each


What should I install on the other hosts so that I can see cpu 
information, disk space, etc?  Do I need to install hobbit everywhere?



Patrick Healy                                                  U.S. 
District Court, NYWD
patrick_healy at nywd.uscourts.gov             304 U.S. Courthouse
Voice: 716-332-1770                                      68 Court
FAX: 716-551-4850                                        Buffalo, NY

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