[hobbit] exclude info and trends columns from NK page

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Nov 9 07:44:51 CET 2005

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 03:29:53PM +0900, Takeshi Nishioka wrote:
> Please let me know how to exclude "info" and "trends" columns from the
> NK overview page.

It is currently hard-coded that the "info" and "trends" columns show up 
on all pages, including the NK and BB2 pages.

I am currently working on an improved version of the NK page - the guys
at work have asked for a lot of improvements - and there you can
configure it. But right now, if you want those columns removed you'll
have to edit the Hobbit source-code.

The change is pretty simple. In the hobbit-4.1.2/bbdisplay/pagegen.c
file, lines 121-123 look like this:

    /* TRENDS and INFO columns are always included on non-BB pages */
    if (strcmp(column->name, xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN")) == 0) return 1;
    if (strcmp(column->name, xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN")) == 0) return 1;

Change the "return 1" on both lines to "return 0", save the file, run
"make" and either run "make install", or copy the bbdisplay/bbgen
program to ~hobbit/server/bin/ . Next time the NK page is updated, those
columns will be gone.


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