larrds extra-tests

Patrick Vaughan patrick_a_vaughan at
Wed Jun 29 21:59:46 CEST 2005

I'm trying to setup some custom graphs and an having some problems.  It 
doesn't look like the extra-script is running.

Here is the relavent lines from hobbitlaunch.cfg:

CMD hobbitd_channel --channel=status --log=$BBSERVERLOGS/larrd-status.log 
hobbitd_larrd --rrddir=$BBVAR/rrd 

CMD hobbitd_channel --channel=data   --log=$BBSERVERLOGS/larrd-data.log 
hobbitd_larrd --rrddir=$BBVAR/rrd --extra-tests=vmio

Here's my testing script:

# Input parameters: Hostname, testname (column), and messagefile

echo "HOSTNAME=$1 TESTNAME=$2 FNAME=$3" > /tmp/hobbit-ext-larrd.out

I tried adding LARRD:*,vmio to the bb-hosts file for one of the nodes.  I 
took that back out and added it to the LARRDS and GRAPHS options in 

I get the graph icon on the bottom of my screen, but the script never runs 
(it never writes the tmp file).

There has to be something simple that I'm missing, but I don't see it.

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