[hobbit] larrd-graphs.cgi equivalent, or how to display a bunch of graphs from various hosts at once

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon Feb 21 22:55:21 CET 2005

On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 11:18:52AM -0500, Tom Georgoulias wrote:
> In Big Brother, there was a script on deadcat.net called 
> "larrd-graphs.cgi" that provided an easy way to display a bunch of 
> graphs from different hosts for comparison called "larrd graph reports". 
>  Is there an equivalent way to do those comparisons in hobbit?

Not right now. I might come up with something equivalent one day,
but it isn't there now.

Looking at the script, I think it should be possible to make it work
with Hobbit for someone with a bit of Perl knowledge (i.e. not
me!). Some of the changes that need to be done are:

- instead of reading the hostnames from bb-hosts directly, run
  bbhostshow and read them from there. That will make it work with
  hosts-files that use include's.

- Either assume the environment is setup already (put a shell 
  wrapper around larrd-graphs), or load it from the hobbitserver.cfg
  file. I dont think you need the larrd config-file, except for
  the BBRRDS variable which can easily be set in the script.

- Call the hobbitgraph.cgi CGI instead of larrd-grapher.cgi. The
  query-string parameters are the same, except for disk_part

I cannot quite figure out if it scans the directory for the LARRD
rrd-files; if it does, then that will need some work since Hobbit
stores files differently.


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