[hobbit] Two minor items on hobbit (very minor)

Martin Parrott parrottm at charter.net
Thu Apr 28 19:02:07 CEST 2005


I am not sure what type of logo you both are referring to, but I have 
two versions I am using internally.

Both are animated gif files. One is quite small and is suitable for 
pages that are accessed via modem. The other is larger and has a 
transition effect which is suited to broadband access.

The files are too big to send to the list, so I will email them to 
Henrik and he can decide if they should be made available.


Henrik Stoerner wrote:
>>First -- would someone with an artistic bent please do a logo for hobbit
>>suitable to adding to a web menu (for those not using the hobbit main
>>display as their home page)? (I'm bent, but not artisticly).
> Me too. Some sort of logo would be nice, but I'm not capable of doing
> that myself.

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