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Re: [hobbit] Hobbit Graphs by cron

I want to be able to create a history of cpu usage.
Everyday I want a cron job or some oher method to generate a graph
image and save it to disk.

These graphs can be used to track the history of the server over a
longer time than 48hours.

I thought the attached url explains a method that can generate the
graphs for me.

2009/6/25 Stef Coene <stef.coene (at) docum.org>:
> On Thursday 25 June 2009, Paul Ward wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to generate some hobbit / xymon graphs every day. I have been
>> trying to get the following url to work but it keeps failing.
>> Please can some one tell me (I am not a web master) how to get an
>> image generated such as image01.jpg.
>> http://www.docum.org/foswiki/bin/view/Xymon/DebugGraphs
>> I created a file in the cgi directory, add the config and my url.
>> made it executable
>> and ran it using the command but I get.
> You don't have to create a file in the cgi directory.  So, what exactly do you
> want to do and what have you tried ?
> Stef
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email: pnward (at) googlemail.com
website: http://www.pward.co.uk
MSN: pob2000is (at) hotmail.com
Skype: paul.n.ward