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RE: [hobbit] Xymon Proxy for 'conn'

I did that. I caused a whole lot more problems. The bbnet process didn't seem to honor it. I had
red everywhere. 

To me, it turns out, it's easier to have a separate bb-hosts file for the proxy server. There aren't that
many machines to be monitored there. It's a small extra step in administration, once, for less than 5% of our machines,
compared to a little admin for every machine. At config time.

From: Buchan Milne [bgmilne (at) staff.telkomsa.net]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:14 AM
To: Root, Paul
Cc: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Xymon Proxy for 'conn'

On Wednesday 17 June 2009 20:03:11 Root, Paul wrote:
> I enabled bbnet on my proxy server, and it started up sending conn to green
> on the machines the servers are able to get to. Great.
> But then I start getting some cycling of the conn icon, red to green to red
> to green.
> Could this be the proxy saying it's green, and then the server saying it's
> red? Do I need to disable bbnet on the servers? Can I do that on a case by
> case (machine by machine) basis?

Populate the NET tags in the bb-hosts file, to match what you will put in the
BBLOCATION variable in hobbitserver.cfg on the Hobbit/Xymon box that should do
network tests for the host in question.
