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RE: [hobbit] Hobbit startup script.

I do get your answer though. There should be a script for the OS I am on
that calls runclient.sh and does the su there, not inside the runclient

-----Original Message-----
From: Buchan Milne [mailto:bgmilne (at) staff.telkomsa.net] 
Sent: Friday, 5 June 2009 8:30 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Cc: David Peters
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Hobbit startup script.

On Friday 05 June 2009 12:09:00 David Peters wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand that hobbit needs to run as the hobbit user, but it is a bit
> annoying to have the hobbit startup script require the hobbit user to run
> it.

I don't quite understand the second part of your statement above ...

> When I want to run it automagically out of /etc/init.d I have to change
> script to not check for hobbit and then do an su to the hobbit user thus:
> su -c "/home/xymon/server/bin/hobbitlaunch
> --config=/home/xymon/server/etc/hobbitlaunch.cfg
> --env=/home/xymon/server/etc/hob
> bitserver.cfg --log=/var/log/xymon/hobbitlaunch.log
> --pidfile=/var/log/xymon/hobbitlaunch.pid"

Which script are you referring to here? The "runclient.sh" script ?

> why is it done this way rather than as above, thus allowing the server to
> start out of init.d?

Have you looked at (e.g.) rpm/hobbit-init.d and debian/hobbit.init in the 
source distribution ? They basically run 'su - hobbit runclient.sh ...', and

are suitable for use from /etc/init.d

Of course, the next question I have is, what Unix or Linux distribution are 
you on, and why didn't you install from packages (which would have avoided
worrying about this in the first place).


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