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Re: [hobbit] Will the Hobbit-perl-client 1.13 work with 4.2.2?

In <9307db7a0901272218m461889a5j51efe995120b1177 (at) mail.gmail.com> Roald Lygre <roaldly (at) gmail.com> writes:

>I want to monitor a Netapp server, and I've got Xymon 4.2.2 running.

>The next step is to install hobbit-perl-client 1.13. The README
>mentions that the Xymon 4.2.0 source needs to be patched for it to
>work correctly.

>WIll the patch in hobbit-perl-client 1.11 work with the 4.2.2 code as
>well, or do I have to go back to 4.2.0 (assuming it exists and is

The 4.2.2 code doesn't need any patches, the hobbit-perl-client
are now included in the core Hobbit source.
