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RE: [hobbit] protocol that use hobbit for communication

Hobbit has it's own protocol that utilizes tcp port 1984, the same as BB.  Hobbit/Xymon server recognizes and can accept the BB protocol for BB clients for compatibility.  However, the reverse is not true (BB servers cannot use Hobbit/Xymon clients).

If you are operating behind a firewall you  either have to open port 1984 between clients and server, use hobbitfetch or use an ssh tunnel.  Check the list archives as similar questions have been asked.


From: youness hajjioui [mailto:hajjioui.youness (at) gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 10:20 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] protocol that use hobbit for communication

well, the server refers to data that the client but the question was the protocol used by hobbit to commuicate?!

thanks :-)