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Re: [hobbit] Remote Status Propagation

In <20090122144916.GM3753 (at) zartan.smtl.co.uk> Hugh Saunders <hugh (at) smtl.co.uk> writes:

>I have two hobbit servers setup, one reports its status to the other via
>the summary command in bb-hosts. 

>The receiving server displays the remote status display section, with a
>normal hobbit red/green/etc icon. 

>My problem is that the colour of the remote status doesnt affect the
>colour of the page on the receiving server. I would like the left hand
>bar (& favicon) to reflect the remote status as well as the local status, 
is that possible? 

I hate to smack the docs in people's faces, but ... from the 
hobbitserver.cfg man-page:

            If set to TRUE, then summaries will affect the color 
	    of the main Xymon webpage. Default: FALSE.
