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RE: [hobbit] Display acknowlegde cause after expiration of the duration.

My mistake,


Must have had a bad day.

The Xymon monitor behaves that way.

Our helpdesk users told me about their problem but I didn’t checked if their complains were correct.

Sorry to border everyone with my question.


From: Bart Gillis [mailto:bart.gillis (at) msp.be] 
Sent: donderdag 15 januari 2009 11:51
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Display acknowlegde cause after expiration of the duration.


I've been looking in the mail archive but couldn't find any answer for the following question:

If an error resizes and sends an alert, we create an incident ticket and acknowledge this error in Xymon.
During this acknowledgement we put the ticket number in the "Cause" field and we put the minutes that solving the problem is going to take in the "Duration" field..
In the Xymon web display we can see the acknowledge information.  
If the resolving time is longer, the acknowledgement for this error will be released and sends an new error message.
The Xymon Display doesn't show any information of a previous acknowledgement.
In the acknowledge log I can see that this error has the still the same error ID.

Is there a way to display the information of an error that was previously acknowledged so that we can instantaneous see that we've already created an incident ticket for this error?

Best regards,
