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Re: [hobbit] Can Hobbit talk over an ssh tunnel?

In <496D2176.7040705 (at) noaa.gov> Gar Nelson <Gar.Nelson (at) noaa.gov> writes:

>I have a client behind a fairly tight firewall that is controlled at a
>much higher level than me. Getting port 1984 authorized is something
>that is not going to happen, but port 22 is open going both ways.  As
>user "bb" on the server, or on the client, I can ssh from one system to
>the other without a password prompt.

>Is there a way to convince Hobbit to talk over an ssh tunnel?

A tunnel with port forwarding would be simple to do. 
On the client you'd do 
   ssh -L 1984:localhost:1984 MYHOBBITSERVER
and then your client should be configured with "BBDISP="
in hobbitclient.cfg
