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RE: [hobbit] Purple Problems

Thanks Henrik!  Unbeknownst to me there was some sort of turf war of
sorts...  somebody changed the BBDISP via an "include" line in the
hobbitclient.cfg file that changed where it was pointing to.

We added ours server to the BBDISPLAYS and we are happily co-existing now.

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Størner [mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 6:49 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Purple Problems

In <0KCR0014H5S7P5 (at) emmsvr01.prod.fedex.com> Tim Grzechowski
<tim.grzechowski.osv (at) fedex.com> writes:

>Something on the network blew up, router or switch.  Of course hobbit went
>purple.  It was a Thursday afternoon and it was in the Network Gods hands
>this point.  They fixed it that night I had still had the purple condition
>in the morning.  I checked both the server and clients (~100) and
>was running.  I restarted both anyway and waited.  Went home for the
>weekend.  Came in Monday and still had the purple plague.

I assume your Hobbit webpages are being updated ? (Check the timestamp
in the upper-right corner).

Is hobbitd_client running on the server ?

On one of the clients, login as the user running the HObbit client
and run the "bbcmd" tool. You'll get a new shell prompt. Do an
   echo $BB
   echo $BBDISP
and check that these point to the "bb" utility on the client, and the
IP-address of your Hobbit server. 

Then run
   $BB $BBDISP "ping"
You should get a response back from the Hobbit server.o

Next, run
   $BB $BBDISP "status $MACHINE.purpletest green Checking status"

This sends a "purpletest" status-message to the Hobbit server. If
everything works OK, then you should get a "purpletest" status
column (in color green) for this client host) the next time the
Hobbit webpages are updated.

Let us know what you find out.


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