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Issue trying to monitor VIP's

I'm having an issue with my hobbit server monitoring virtual IP's. When I click on the info diamond it causes an internal server error. I'm not sure why. The two hosts that are part of the VIP have hobbit clients running on them and their info diamonds are fine as all of their other tests. The VIP only has three columns conn, info, and trends. What's weird is only a couple of the VIPs aren't working correctly, the others seem to be working fine. I just want to fix the issue so that clicking the info diamond won't cause an internal server error. 

Here's what I've tried so far: 

On hobbit server: hobbit 4.2.0 running on RHEL 4 update 5 

Remove VIP from bb-host 
./bb localhost "drop name-of-vip" 
Wait like 20 minutes and re-add 

This doesn't work. 

Example of working info request via logs: 

http://netmon4/hobbit-cgi/bb-hostsvc.sh?HOST=name-of-vip&SERVICE=info - - [29/Oct/2008:11:33:51 -0700] "GET /hobbit-cgi/bb-hostsvc.sh?HOST=name-of-vip&SERVICE=info HTTP/1.1" 200 11239 

Example of failed info request: 


[Wed Oct 29 11:38:19 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: bb-hostsvc.sh 

Further investigation: 

cat /opt/hobbit/cgi-bin/bb-hostsvc.sh 


# This is a wrapper for the Hobbit hobbitsvc.cgi script 

. /opt/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitcgi.cfg 

exec /opt/hobbit/server/bin/hobbitsvc.cgi $CGI_SVC_OPTS 

This CGI is a 32-bit binary and I would need to look at source to troubleshoot this further. ..Hoping to avoid that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.