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RE: [hobbit] hobbitd_rrd not starting an extra script - more information

This is a potentially dumb question - but are you sure your client-side test is returning 'status' messages? If they're 'data' messages, you'll need to change '--channel=status' to '--channel=data'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sébastien Munch [mailto:sebastien.munch (at) dexia-securities.fr]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:14 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] hobbitd_rrd not starting an extra script - more information


As a complementary information, using "ps auxw" shows that
hobbitd_channel is correctly started :

hobbit   19873  0.0  0.0   1892   520 ?        S    14:56   0:00
hobbitd_channel --channel=status --log=/var/log/hobbit/rrd-status.log
hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=/var/lib/hobbit/rrd
--extra-script /usr/lib/hobbit/server/ext/rrd_openvz.sh --extra-tests

However, the script is still not executed...


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