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fix to 4.2.0 uid and gid checking

I attempted to use FILE uid and gid checking in hobbit-clients.cfg.  I
ran into the same problem listed below on an e-mail dating back to 2007.
There was not a thread that showed a correction to the problem so I
search your source code for the problem.  I found it in the module
client_config.c.  In your original 4.2.0 code, the +8 below were +6.
From what I can gleam from module client_config.c, the you had planned
to use "owner" and "group" until you realized that group was reserved,
so you switched to "ownerid" and "groupid".  The only problem was that
you did not change the parsing position for the input data.  




                                               uid = strtol(tok+8,
&eptr, 10);

                                                if (*eptr == '\0') {

                                                        /* All numeric


currule->rule.fcheck.ownerid = uid;


                                                else {


currule->rule.fcheck.ownerstr = strdup(tok+8);



                                        else if (strncasecmp(tok,
"groupid=", 8) == 0) {

                                                /* Cannot use "group"
because that is reserved */

                                                char *eptr;

                                                int uid;


                                                uid = strtol(tok+8,
&eptr, 10);

                                                if (*eptr == '\0') {

                                                        /* All numeric


currule->rule.fcheck.groupid = uid;


                                                else {


currule->rule.fcheck.groupstr = strdup(tok+8);






problem checking directory oid / gid


*	To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk 
*	Subject: problem checking directory oid / gid 
*	From: Joost van den Broek <joost (at) seat-ibiza.nl> 
*	Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 21:16:22 +0100 
*	User-agent: Thunderbird 2.0b2 (X11/20070209) 


size=2 width="100%" align=center> 


I get the following status message:


File is owned by user root  - should be d=root
File is owned by group root  - should be d=root


The config files contain:


FILE /tmp yellow type=dir ownerid=root groupid=root mode=1777



Removing ownerid and groupid will give back a green status - what is
going wrong?





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