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Problem/Bug? in hobbitgraph.cgi with FNPATTERN and dynamic ds-name

--- Begin Message ---
Hi all


I have a rrd file containing multiple Oracle Tablespace use in

It is updated throw Hobbit with NCV definition.


It looks like this:


rrdtool info /var/lib/hobbit/rrd/XXXXXX/TblSpace.rrd | grep "^ds"

ds[TblUseDATA].type = "GAUGE"

ds[TblUseDATA].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[TblUseDATA].min = 0.0000000000e+00

ds[TblUseDATA].max = NaN

ds[TblUseDATA].last_ds = "56"

ds[TblUseDATA].value = 7.8400000000e+02

ds[TblUseDATA].unknown_sec = 0

ds[TblUseIDX].type = "GAUGE"

ds[TblUseIDX].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[TblUseIDX].min = 0.0000000000e+00

ds[TblUseIDX].max = NaN

ds[TblUseIDX].last_ds = "59"

ds[TblUseIDX].value = 8.2600000000e+02

ds[TblUseIDX].unknown_sec = 0

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].type = "GAUGE"

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].min = 0.0000000000e+00

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].max = NaN

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].last_ds = "43"

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].value = 6.0200000000e+02

ds[TblUseSYSTEM].unknown_sec = 0

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].type = "GAUGE"

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].min = 0.0000000000e+00

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].max = NaN

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].last_ds = "6"

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].value = 8.4000000000e+01

ds[TblUseTSRMAN].unknown_sec = 0

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].type = "GAUGE"

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].min = 0.0000000000e+00

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].max = NaN

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].last_ds = "3"

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].value = 4.2000000000e+01

ds[TblUseUNDOTBS1].unknown_sec = 0


I made a hobbitgraph.cfg definition:



            FNPATTERN TblSpace,(.*).rrd

            TITLE TblSpace Utilization

            YAXIS % Full

            DEF:TblUse (at) RRDIDX@= (at) RRDFN@:TblUse (at) RRDPARAM@:AVERAGE

            LINE2:TblUse (at) RRDIDX@# (at) COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@

            -u 100

            -l 0

            GPRINT:TblUse (at) RRDIDX@:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)

            GPRINT:TblUse (at) RRDIDX@:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)

            GPRINT:TblUse (at) RRDIDX@:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)

            GPRINT:TblUse (at) RRDIDX@:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n



On DEF line TblUse (at) RRDPARAM@ change for each Table Space (ds-name is

hobbitgraph.cgi process the rrd file like this :


2008-07-29 19:42:14 rrdgraph

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -

2008-07-29 19:42:14 --title

2008-07-29 19:42:14 XXXXXXXX TblSpace Utilization Last 48 Hours

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -w576

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -h120

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -v

2008-07-29 19:42:14 % Full

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -a

2008-07-29 19:42:14 PNG

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -s e-48h

2008-07-29 19:42:14 DEF:TblUse0=TblSpace,DATA.rrd:TblUseDATA:AVERAGE

2008-07-29 19:42:14 LINE2:TblUse0#0000FF:DATA

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -u 100

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -l 0

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse0:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse0:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse0:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse0:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n

2008-07-29 19:42:14 DEF:TblUse1=TblSpace,IDX.rrd:TblUseIDX :AVERAGE

2008-07-29 19:42:14 LINE2:TblUse1#FF0000:IDX

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -u 100

2008-07-29 19:42:14 -l 0

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse1:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse1:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse1:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)

2008-07-29 19:42:14 GPRINT:TblUse1:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n

2008-07-29 19:42:14 COMMENT:Updated\: 29-Jul-2008 19\:42\:14

Content-type: image/png

Expires: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 17:47:14 GMT


Content-type: text/html


<html><head><title>Invalid request</title></head>

<body>Cannot parse DS in 'DEF:TblUse1=TblSpace,IDX.rrd:TblUseIDX



We can see that there is a problem because hobbitgraph.cgi put a space
after "TblUseIDX".

hobbitgraph.cgi use a string with a size equal to the longest value of
TblUse (at) RRDPARAM@


So in hobbitgraph.c I made this modification:

In function " char *expand_tokens(char *tpl) " 



                        else if (strncmp(inp, "@RRDPARAM@", 10) == 0) {


                                    * We do a colon-escape first, then
change all commas to slashes as

                                    * this is a common mangling used by
multiple backends (disk, http, iostat...)


                                   if (rrddbs[rrdidx].rrdparam) {

                                               char *p;

                                               /* Next line added */

                                               char *escaped =

                                               /* Next line modified */

                                               sprintf(outp, "%-*s",
strlen(escaped), escaped);

                                               p = outp; while ((p =
strchr(p, ',')) != NULL) *p = '/';

                                               outp += strlen(outp);


                                   inp += 10;




Now all is fine !


Thanks for Hobbit : this is a very great tool.




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