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RE: [hobbit] Log messages

> No, it's from the script. The code you're referring to picks up the exit code
> from the child process that runs the script; or - if the process was terminated
> by a signal - then it picks up the signal number. hobbitlaunch uses the wait3()
> routine (line 512) to get the exit status code, and then the WIFEXITED/WEXITSTATUS
> macros (line 517/518) for a process that terminates normally and the
> WIFSIGNALED/WTERMSIG macros (line 527/528) for processes terminated by a signal.
> All of this comes from the child process exit code.
> Linenumbers from Hobbit 4.2.0.
> >The emcpp script returns 0, temp script returns 1.  The log data is from
> >clientlaunch.log.
> How did you check that? Remember to run the scripts as the Hobbit user, since
> access rights may be different for your account and the Hobbit account.

$BBHOME/bin/bbcmd bash
./emcpp ; echo $?

> >My standard client package includes these tests, as most of the machines
> >here do run PowerPath and DellOM.  The interesting thing about temp is my
> >BBOSTYPE variable has an extra carriage return in it.
> A bit unusual - BBOSTYPE normally comes from the "uname -s" output - but it's
> got nothing to do with the log messages you see.

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