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RE: [hobbit] Cluster monitoring (proxy setup)

Ah, finally, something I can comment on competently.  


The way we do it is we have two pollers and one display.  The display
does no network testing (we disabled it in hobbitlaunch.cfg) but that's
not necessarily required.  For your situation, you have to choices.


1)       You use the Net:hostname moniker in your bb-hosts file, and
then you can keep the bb-hosts files synced however you wish (we just
scp when we make a change).  Any hosts you don't have the Net:hostname
tag in will be tested by any servers.

2)       Maintain two separate bb-hosts, with all hosts on the display
servers' copy, but then you have to manually put a noconn tag in the
hosts to not ping in the bb-hosts file on the display, otherwise, your
display server will be testing those as well, and that status will be
over-riding the status from your other server.


Obviously, choice 1 is much easier to maintain, but you will have to put
a Net:thing tag in every line of your current script (easy to do with a
quick perl script or whatnot.  I have one somewhere if you need such).
I'd really recommend going that route.


Tod Hansmann

Network Engineer




From: Ben Fenstermaker [mailto:fensterb (at) ccri.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 2:04 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Cluster monitoring (proxy setup)


On 6/27/07 4:50 AM, "Sigur>ur Gu>brandsson" <sigurdur (at) raforninn.is>

> Hi.
> If you wish to forward messages using multiple displays you should
> change a couple of things, revert the configuration files
> (hobbitlaunch.cfg) to make hobbit act as a display server then you
> should change hobbitserver.cfg as follows:
> The BS ip should be changed to whatever the ip is for your main hobbit
> server.

This almost works... On my secondary hobbit server I now have it
displaying correctly again and there doesn't seem to be any errors on
that side. On the main hobbit server I don't see the status for my 64
compute nodes, however they all show up in the ghost clients list. I
figured this wasn't a problem as I can just add them to the bb-hosts
file. If I do this they always change to red since my main hobbit server
tries to query them and cant reach the protected network.

> This configuration *should* work. Just reply if it doesn't.
> With regards,
>   Sigurdur Gudbrandsson

Ben Fenstermaker