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Cluster monitoring (proxy setup)

The more I read through the archives, the more confused I am on how to
implement this. Basically, I want to monitor 64 compute nodes that are on a
private network. I do not want to have to install the client on all of the
nodes as all I care about is the ping test. I have a main hobbit server that
I want to merge the info from the cluster and from various other systems
that I monitor. 

To work as a bridge, I installed hobbit on the head node of the cluster as
it is the only system with an interface on both networks. On the head node I
disabled all of the hobbitd modules and setup bbproxy to forward messages to
my main hobbit server. This didn¹t work. After reading up on the bbproxy man
page it looks like bbproxy is really meant to forward client messages on to
a bbdisplay. Since I don¹t have the hobbit client installed on the compute
nodes it doesn¹t sound like bbproxy will work for this. I am a bit confused
on what actually does the network tests. Do I have to have hobbitd running
on the head node in order for the network tests to run? If that is the case,
how do I get hobbitd to forward information on to a different hobbit server?

I am pretty sure that I have simply failed to understand one of the man
pages or something, but I cant seem to figure out how to accomplish what I
am looking to do.