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RE: [hobbit] client-local.cfg not propagating

Possibly filespace or permissions problems in the client computer's
hobbit tmp directory?
You don't have a typo in client-local.cfg where you mispelled the name
of the client you want to do the downloading?


From: Peters, Ron [mailto:rpeters (at) columbia.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 3:58 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] client-local.cfg not propagating

Hello all,


I have a client that isn't receiving the client-local.cfg information.
The 'files' and 'msgs' categories are reported as 'clear' since there is
no data on which to base a status.  


I've re-installed the client, uninstalled and copied the directory from
a working client, and re-installed a working client to validate that it
isn't a server issue.  What would cause a client to NOT download this


Any thoughts?

