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Re: [hobbit] rrd error messages

I'm still getting these errors. Does no one have an answer? I have searched
the archives and found nothing. They are occurring for multiple hosts and
multiple services.


On 5/21/07, Steve Holmes <sjh (at) allegro.ics.purdue.edu> wrote:


I am getting a lot of errors in the rrd-status.log file. There are 2
actually that are appearing at an alarming frequency (and have been for
quite a while):

2007-05-21 09:42:52 RRD error updating
/var/hobbit/data/rrd/client.purdue.edu/disk,export,video.rrd from
128.210.xxx.xxx: unknown consolidation function '^?<F8>'

2007-05-21 09:42:52 RRD error updating
/var/hobbit/data/rrd/client.purdue.edu/memory.real.rrd from
128.210.xxx.xxx: illegal
attempt to update using time 1179754972 when last update time is
2146959360 (minimum one second step)

Note that the system time on the hobbit server and on the clients are all
synchronized with xntpd so the clocks aren't different.

I am also having some trouble with a lot of NAN values in the disk history
graphs. I'm wondering a) how to fix these errors, and b) if the errors
have anything to do with not getting good data in the graphs.


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