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RE: [hobbit] differents betwen 'no data' and 'no report'

Hi -

It it "legal" then for custom scripts to send in a "clear" status?  I
used to do this all the time back when I used BB, but I stopped when
using Hobbit.  I had an issue with graphs not working when clear status
was being sent and someone told me that I should not send clear.  Now I
understand why the graphs didn't work, but there may be other
(non-graph) situations where I'd like to send a "FYI only" message.
i.e., "Here's some data, but I'm not making any judgements on it".
Sounds like exactly what clear is supposed to communicate, if it's
allowed for custom scripts to use this color.


-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Stoerner [mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk] 
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 8:24 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] differents betwen 'no data' and 'no report'

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 03:14:04PM +0200, Marraud, Nicolas wrote:
> Could you explain to me the differents betwen 'no data' and 'no

"No report" (purple) means that Hobbit is no longer getting updates for
this status. E.g. if you have a system with the Hobbit client installed
and the client is stopped, then after a while the client status messages
(cpu, disk, memory ...) will go purple. This usually indicates some sort
of error in the monitoring system.

"No data" (clear or white) means that this status has no meaningful data
to report, but it IS being updated. There are two places where this is

1) For client data which do not have any rules defined, e.g. the "procs"

   column is reported as "no data" if there are no process checks, but
   Hobbit does get a "ps" listing.

2) For network tests that depend on each other, e.g. an "ssh" check will
   go "clear" if the "conn" (ping) test fails - because it doesn't make
   much sense reporting an "ssh" failure when it's really the whole box
   that is down.


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