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proc monitor flag red an existing process


I monitor the process tor with this line in hobbit-client.cfg :

PROC    "%^tor" TEXT=tor

It works well except when the memory allocated for the process exceed 99999 : the monitor flag the process red...

Perhaps it's due to a wrong regular expression or perhaps it's the shift in the PS output :

28894 28893 _ntp      Mon05PM S      4  0.0   0:03.60  0.1   900  1344 ntpd: ntp engine (ntpd)
36112     1 tor       Mon06PM S     20  0.0 233:44.10  9.6 98692 101272 tor
42051     1 fetchmail Fri06PM Ss     4  0.0   0:19.02  0.2  1760  3952 fetchmail -f /usr/local/etc/fetchmailrc -d 300

Any clue?

