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Re: [hobbit] Hobbit Server Config

On Wednesday, 6 June 2007, Brian O'Mahony wrote:
> I have my server as part of the hobbit monitoring pages.
> However as this is the only system that it looks for bbgen and
> hobbitlaunch, I want to remove these. (one is yellow and one is purple
> so I just want to get rid of them)

If you want to get rid of the yellow, rather address the problems reported on 
that page (as there is a good reason it is yellow ...).

To get rid of the purple, drop it (see the bb man page), something like:
$ ~hobbit/bin/bb localhost 'drop localhost hobbitlaunch'

> Also on this server the mysql section is also constant orange, saying
> mysql has been restarted recently, when I know for a fact it hasn't. how
> do I resolve this? (Or even just remove it altogether)

AFAIK there is no built-in mysql check that does this, so this is probably 
running as an extension script. The published ones are client-side, meaning 
there is most likely a script on the host being monitored, which needs fixing 
(or removal, and subsequent dropping of the check as above). It could be 
running out of cron, or from clientlaunch.cfg on the client.

However, you may rather want to replace this check with dbcheck.pl from 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/hobbit-perl-cl/ (which runs server-side and 
works relatively well).


Buchan Milne
ISP Systems Specialist - Monitoring/Authentication Team Leader