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RE: [hobbit] LOG alert not showing yellow

I tried the following syntax:


  LOG   /var/log/messages          %authentication\sfailure  color=yellow


The messages appears as an alert but the color remains green.


  Is this syntax correct?


Robert Manocchia

UNIX System Administrator

IDEXX Laboratories

207 556-6860

EMail Robert-Manocchia (at) idexx.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Giovanni - Gestor Redix [mailto:giovanni (at) redix.com.br] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 8:48 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] LOG alert not showing yellow


Try using this syntax (changing space with \s + pcre)
        LOG     /var/log/messages       %authentication\sfailure

Giovanni M. Frainer - Gestor

Sello Tlabela (SD) wrote: 

Hi Manocchia,


It could be access rights, if you are running hobbit using the init script
it will run as user hobbit and make sure that hobbit user can read




Sello Tlabela



From: Manocchia, Robert [mailto:Robert-Manocchia (at) IDEXX.com
<mailto:Robert-Manocchia (at) IDEXX.com> ] 
Sent: 05 June 2007 21:38
To: 'hobbit (at) hswn.dk <mailto:hobbit (at) hswn.dk> '
Subject: [hobbit] LOG alert not showing yellow


I have a small problem. I've set up monitoring of the /var/log/messages
logfile to search for the string "authentication failure" and alert with a
yellow button in the MSG column. I can see the error displayed when I click
on the button below the Msg column header but it does not turn yellow.



 Below is the entry in the clients-local.cfg file:




ignore MARK


This is the entry in the hobbit-clients.cfg file:



        LOG     /var/log/messages       authentication failure  color=yellow


Why doesn't this give me a yellow alert.




Robert Manocchia

UNIX System Administrator

IDEXX Laboratories

207 556-6860

EMail Robert-Manocchia (at) idexx.com <mailto:Robert-Manocchia (at) idexx.com> 


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