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Re: [hobbit] ncv double DS name

Thomas Bergauer <thomas (at) bergauer.org> schrieb am 03.06.2007 14:59:37:

> hi!
> i have hobbit running and my clients sending the server the  output of
> the lm_sensor command to show temperatures and voltages of the
> mainboard. The output looks basically like this:
> as99127f-i2c-0-2d
> Adapter: SMBus PIIX4 adapter at e800
> VCore 1:   +2.05 V  (min =  +1.74 V, max =  +2.22 V) 
> VCore 2:   +2.59 V  (min =  +2.24 V, max =  +2.74 V) 
> +3.3V:     +3.50 V  (min =  +2.96 V, max =  +3.62 V) 
> +5V:       +5.08 V  (min =  +4.49 V, max =  +5.48 V) 
> +12V:     +11.67 V  (min =  +9.12 V, max = +13.62 V) 
> -12V:     -11.57 V  (min = -14.37 V, max =  -9.60 V) 
> I have set up a custom rrd graph to plot these data. However, I am
> getting the following error in the rrd-status.log:
> RRD error creating /usr/lib/hobbit/data/rrd/server/sensors.rrd: 
> Duplicate DS name: 12V
> It seems that +12V and -12V are treated as a single name. how can I
> avoid this problem?

Documentation in hobbitd_rrd.8.html says that 'only the valid letters (A-Z 
a-z) and digits (0-9) are used in dataset names, whitespaces and other 
characters are stripped off...

so you should also see a problem with 'VCore 1' and 'VCore 2' ;-), that 
means before sending the output to the hobbit server you will have to 
parse the input, using a shell script or whatever...

best regards

> thanks, Thomas
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