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RE: [hobbit] Alternate to msgcache/hobbitfetch?

Thanks.  I'm familiar with ssh tunnels, pubkey authentication, ssh
agents, etc.  I use that quite a bit in other applications.

The issue I'm faced with is starting up a new listener out there in the
DMZ.  Any listener(even one only listening on the local adapter).  That
brings other people into this, with the associated reviews, paperwork,
and so on.  Reviews that I 100% agree with - putting on my security hat.
I have a working and approved solution now using only socks/ssh and my
custom scripts (from back in the Big Brother days when I first wrote
this).  I'm just investigating if it's possible to pull the formal
Hobbit client into my existing solution methodology.  Adding a listener
is not a total deal breaker, I could probably gain the required
approvals, but the overhead in getting that paperwork and approval done
has me researching other possibilities.

Thanks for your detailed reply.  Your solution is very much what I would
have recommended to others in similar circumstances.  I know from
experience that it can be done simply and relatively securely.  I think
ssh is my favorite application.  You can do so much with it.  Tunneling,
dynamic port forwarding, sshfs (a really cool technique to mount remote
computers as local filesystems, with no server software required other
than an ssh server).

-----Original Message-----
From: Hobbit User [mailto:hobbit (at) epperson.homelinux.net] 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 8:34 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Alternate to msgcache/hobbitfetch?

On Sat, June 2, 2007 22:50, Haertig, David F (Dave) wrote:
> I guess what I'm looking for is a hobbitfetch variant that uses 
> ssh/scp rather than connecting to a msgcache listener.  And along with

> that, a way to configure the client to collect data normally, but skip

> starting a listening service.

Why not just use msgcache bound to a localhost address and ssh port
tunneling, front-ended by autossh for persistence?

autossh -M 0 -f -f -N -L \ -i
<path-to-rsa-private-key>  someunprivilegeduser (at) dmzserver.example.com

Install autossh.  Do your key exchange, test ssh PKI authentication.
Set msgcache to --listen= and --server=, use
"dmzserver.example.com # testip pulldata" in bb-hosts, and you
should be good to go, with a msgcache that cannot be fetched except via
your tunnel.  Note that the conn check for this bb-host entry will be
meaningless, and you'll need to add -L port mappings for any other
server-side tests you want.

Writing this from memory, so there might be a syntax error or misspelled
option.  But it's pretty close.  You do need a very up-to-date ssh to
specify the near-side IP on the -L port forward (which helps you to keep
up with tunnels for different hosts--otherwise you have to use different
ports; I actually put in /etc/hosts entries for the 127.0.0.x entries so
I can call them by name).  I know that the near-side ip spec is
supported in the current repo versions for FC5 and up, RHEL5, and
Centos5, but not in
RHEL4 and down.  Hope this helps.

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