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Re: [hobbit] Resolved: [hobbit] NCV - problems setting to GAUGE

The problem was with some other tests that I was sending, which were named slightly different:

While my testname was different for these other NCV's, the actual NCV value they were sending was the same, so the fix was to change those to:

And restart hobbit. The problem was that hobbit was previously getting the NCV name of "modjk", but my previous definitions were for "modjkaltname", which didn't match so Hobbit used the default DERIVE type. Once I purged the rrd files, updated to the correct names, and restarted hobbit, it created proper GAUGE type rrds.


Rolf Masfelder wrote:
share your knowledge: what was the problem ???

Am Freitag 29 September 2006 02:47 schrieb Charles Jones:
*sigh* I really need to stop doing this. And by "this" I mean; I will
have a problem, and try and try to figure it out, so I give up and
send an email about it. While waiting for a reply I poke around and
figure out the problem. Maybe next time I should just send the email
to myself :)


Charles Jones wrote:
I noticed the typo when I sent the email. It's actually
NCV_modjk="modjk:GAUGE"  (proper quotes).


Charles Jones wrote:
I defined an NCV as type GAUGE:

$ tail -1 hobbitserver.cfg

But when I actually peek at the rrd file, it sys it is type

<!-- Round Robin Database Dump --><rrd> <version> 0003 </version>
        <step> 300 </step> <!-- Seconds -->
        <lastupdate> 1159488942 </lastupdate> <!-- 2006-09-29
00:15:42 GMT -->

                <name> modjk </name>
                <type> *DERIVE* </type>
                <minimal_heartbeat> 600 </minimal_heartbeat>
                <min> 0.0000000000e+00 </min>
                <max> NaN </max>

Any idea what could be the issue? I tried deleting the rrd and
letting hobbit recreate it, it was again created with DERIVE type