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Re: [hobbit] Gmake issue on solaris 10

> HI
> I am new to hobbit, but have been using Bigbrother for many years
> I am having problems compiling the server on solaris 10
> This is the end of the "make install" process before it stops:
> cd etcfiles; cp -fp hobbit-apache.conf
> /usr/local/hobbit_4.2.0/server/etc/hobbit-apache.conf
> cd /usr/local/hobbit_4.2.0/server; rm -f hobbit.sh; ln -sf bin/hobbit.sh

	Two things to look at:
	1) if the output above is complete, "ln" is usign the "second"
form of linking, where the seccond parameter is not present, and is
asumed to be "." (current dir). May be on your system this is not an
allowed way of using "ln". 

	2) using the same use you used to compile, when you time at the
shell prompt "ln" (or better 'ln --help') does this work? (I mean is "ln"
binary at you PATH?)
