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Re: [hobbit] BBWin configuration gui

Look on the BBWin list archives...I seem to recall this coming up fairly recently...

Francesco Duranti wrote:

From what I know the new version (hoping it's in the next one) will have
the possibility to centralize the configuration like normal hobbit
client so you can define all the warning and checks in one point. At
that point it would be nice to have a gui/web interface to edit the
hobbit central configuration if it's all in one server. A gui is nice
but when you've to deploy/configure more then 100 server it's a bit time
consuming to work with.

I don't know if a gui is planned but I've not read of one being


From: pmalenfa (at) videotron.ca [mailto:pmalenfa (at) videotron.ca] Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 5:04 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] BBWin configuration gui

Is there any plan to have a configuration GUI for the BBWin?
Something similar to the BB client for Windows.
Not that I care about editing the XML config file manually (the
file is quite simple and the documentation is clear). But the Windows
administrators where I installed Hobbit would love to have a fancy GUI
because their "other" tools have a GUI (BB, MOM, ipsentry, NetIQ, name
Is there somebody that already created one or is working on one?
(I might be late in the news)

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