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Re: [hobbit] Monitoring old hardware

On 9/19/06, Ralph Mitchell <ralphmitchell (at) gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/19/06, Charles Jones <jonescr (at) cisco.com> wrote:
> What about using the perl client?

Thanks, I'll take a look at that.

Turns out I can snmpwalk all over that bad boy, so I can at least grab the sysUpTime number from it and flag red if it's been up less than [some number] of seconds. I can ping it too, so I have both conn and uptime columns. I can even see traffic on the tcp interfaces, but I'm not sure if I want to deal with that.

I'm still waiting to hear from our people if there's a C compiler.  If
there is, it's all good... :)

Ralph Mitchell