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Re: [hobbit] size problem with hostdata

thomas.seglard.enata (at) cnp.fr wrote:

I have a disk alert from one of my filesystems on the hobbit server. It's my $BBHOME/data/hostdata/ which is very big ! When I launch a 'du', I got this :

[hobbit (at) psi200 hostdata]$ du -sh .
12G     .

Is it a normal size ? May I delete some files in it ? I got around 150 servers and I notice this fs is rapidly growing.
That's probably normal with a large number of servers over an extended period of time. I have 100 hosts and have been up for a couple of months and my hostdata directory is 1GB.

Hobbit also saves the output of all the client tests, etc for the "Snapshot Report"s. If you decide that you don't need to keep snapshots of the current status of your hosts, you can use the "trimhistory" command to delete data older than a certain date.

Looking at the hostdata directory contents, it appears to be historical copies of the client data. I'm not sure if the trimhistory command cleans these up as well, but if not you could probably get rid of the older ones manually.
